Friday, August 22, 2014

Alto is coming!

Alto, provided by AOL comes online. This is a new webmail client. The users can receive, read and filter mails from their multiple email accounts at AOL (of course), Gmail, Yahoo and more.

To the part of filtering. So called "stack", looks alike a Gmail-tab
- can be created, edited or removed by user themselves, to get the overview of their inbox.
- can also be connected with the content of receiving emails, like photos or another attachment.

just tested, I could even check my google calander and get into my google drive. Interesting!
And I am interested in seeing what will happen with Alto and what will the other providers do...

Inkasso spam alarm

It seems somebody sends replica spams with the name of BDIU (Bundesverband Deutscher Inkasso-Unternehmen)

This kind of spams has a subjectsline "Bundesverband Deutscher Inkasso-Unternehmen e.V.", and looks like

Sehr geehrter Kaufer...
leider konnten wir bis heute keinen Zahlungseingang auf unsere Rechnung vom 01.08.2014 feststellen. Nummer der Bestellung: 8UP/35837710. Ihr Bankkonto wurde nicht ausreichend gedeckt um die Lastschrift durchzufuhren. Sicherlich ist es Ihnen nur entgangen die Ruckbuchung von Ihrem Konto nicht zu berucksichtigen.
Bitte uberweisen Sie den ausstehenden Betrag zuzuglich der Zusatzgebuhren bis zum 20.07.2014 auf unser Bankkonto. Die Summe der Bestellung entspricht 196,00 Euro.
Dabei wird Ihnen eine Mahngebuhr von 24,00 Euro und die Kosten unserer Beauftragung von 49,99 Euro verrechnet. Falls Sie diesen Zahlungstermin nicht einhalten, werden wir Ihnen weitere Kosten des Mahnverfahrens und Verzugszinsen in Rechnung stellen mussen.

Bundesverband Deutscher Inkasso-Unternehmen e.V.
Friedrichstra?e 50-55
55451 Berlin
Tel.: 030 / 206002312
Fax: 030 / 206078109
BDIU declared that they are sending neither bills nor reminders to consumers
Der BDIU verschickt keine Rechnungen oder Mahnungen an Verbraucher! 

and if one receives such an email, he may delete it immediately.

More information here

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Spam Sucks

I found such an Email in my Gmail spam

Trust me, I never signed up...
I was just about wondering, since when Government starts spamming?
And I was shocked by my found

"Hello CheetahMail, hello former colleague in NK!"

I can't understand why the UK Government allows his Mailings to be sent from US.
But I can totally understand, why an (ex-) colleague got so angry once he received (spam-) emails from clients at his personal email address.
I am not angry, but I know pretty much: Spam Sucks!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Excel survive

sit at my office desk, worked 3 hours for an excel file and i forgot to save it, before i closed it... Stupid stupid!

But i found a way to survive. Allow me to share it with you :)

1. open a (new) excel file and click "file"

2. try to find this file under Recently Used Documents

3. if it's not there, calm down, everything's fine.
Click the "Option" button.

4. here you can see the excel options, click "save"

5. you will find the link leads to the folder, in which your file has been saved automatically.

Although not 100% as the same as the latest status I worked out
better than spending 3 more hours on it again