Friday, July 10, 2015

Trackbuster untracks commercial emails at Gmail

A tracking pixel is like a tiny picture, normally being (un)seen on the left side of the bottom of an email.
Once an Email has been opened and the pictures have been loaded, this tracking pixel, which had been implanted by the Email marketers, will tell them: this mail has been opened

Since an open might generate a lead or even a buy, the open rate of a Emailing campaign becomes a huge factor.

Trackbuster is now working with Gmail to untrack the commercial emails.
This service will analyze the incoming emails at Gmail, identify the invisible tracking pixel and remove them. For the paranoid internet users, it shall protect their privacy.

I tried this tool and it works

I don't know how perfect it can be. But the opens, which the marketers track, will be even less at Gmail.

Gmail has a new release! New analytics tool with smart dashboard

Google launched its Gmail Postmaster Tools, which allow the qualified high-volume senders to get a better idea of how Gmail treats their emails.

The tool shall show lots of deliverability informations in different dashboards.

Once the domain ownership has been verified, the qualified senders can monitor the Email delivery to the biggest ISP of the world.